Hither Came Conan Goes Monthly - For Now
I think it's time I face the facts and admit to myself that Hither Came Conan has become a monthly podcast.
For now.
To tell the truth, due to financial stresses and other such factors, my heart just hasn't been into doing much of anything lately.
The joy I once found in both reading comics and talking about them has diminished.
But please, don't take that to mean that I'm hanging up the mic. That is not at all what I'm trying to say here, folks. I'm not quitting.
I just know that it's been more than two weeks since the last episode of Hither Came Conan was released and, in case some of you were wondering what was going on I figured I might want to give y'all some sort of update.
I've been slowly working on the next episode of Hither Came Conan and am nearly ready to record, it's just been--well, slow.
Being broke and trying to figure out how best to stretch a dollar, agonizing over which bills have to be paid and which bills can wait, trying as best I can to ignore the daily calls and emails from all the various places that feel like they deserve what little I have more than me; I mean, it takes a toll.
In other words, folks: I am f@*king exhausted and when I finally have a bit of time for myself, I'd rather sleep or veg out in front of the TV than do anything else.
If you've ever heard You Can't Have All of Me by Reel Big Fish (and if you haven't, check the link below), that song has become my anthem.
So yeah, there will be more Hither Came Conan and The Comic Book Show (heck, there's still two more episodes ready to land over the next couple of weeks) as well as all the other shows and episodes I want to do, it's just all going to release a little slower than I want.
I love podcasting and I am loving these old Conan comics and I want nothing more than to just read, record, release, rinse, and repeat, and I know that I'll be back in the groove eventually.
How do I know that?
This isn't my first rodeo, folks. I've gone through these periods of malaise before.
I'll come out of it and be back to podcasting like there's no tomorrow.
But for now, the motivation is hard to find.
And yet, at the same time, I've been chipping away at this idea for a new show, something I've been wanting to do for a few years now, I just haven't been able to quite wrap my head around how I want to do it. I won't say anything else about it, but yeah, the desire is there.
I'm not going anywhere folks so don't you go nowhere neither.
That is all.
For now.
And now, as promised:
Reel Big Fish - You Can't Have All of Me (Official Music Video) -