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Just Another Fanboy Reads Madman Comics
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Just Another Fanboy Reads Madman Comics

Old Episodes on Their Own Feed

This image there above, and the attached episode, is something I’ll be talking about, hopefully, on Tuesday’s episode of Just Another Fanboy, but I wanted to make sure I told all y’all about it first.

Both because you have chosen to subscribe to this, so you deserve it, but also in case I’m not able to put out my State of the Podcast Address episode of Just Another Fanboy this week… more on that later.

First, let me talk about this Madman thing.

So, I’ve been doing these Madman episodes on Just Another Fanboy for a while now, thirteen of them so far, with the first one landing back in February of 2020, in which I am re-reading all the Madman comics by Mike and Laura Allred and then talking about them on the show, one issue at a time.

I’ve made this decision to take those episodes, of which there will be more coming, and put them out on their own feed, if only to make it easier for folks who have not listened to all of them but want to go back and do so.

I mean, the idea of someone new to Just Another Fanboy, listening to Madman: Part Thirteen, and enjoying it enough to want to go back and listen to the other twelve, and then trying to comb through the 300 episodes in my archive to find them, well, it sounds like a nightmare to me.

It’s an idea I’ve been worrying over for a while now, which is why I finally decided to put them all out on their own feed. Ease of access.

The new feed is up now and, of course, I’m calling it:

Just Another Fanboy Reads Madman Comics

I even have a website:

Currently I have the first 6 episodes up, with the other 7 going up as often as I can put them up there, but at least one per day beginning Monday. That will account for the 13 episodes that are already up on the Just Another Fanboy feed.

From there, when I do new Madman episodes, they will go up on both the Just Another Fanboy feed as well as this new Just Another Fanboy Reads Madman Comics feed.

I actually have Number 14 recorded, I just need to edit it, and it’s the reason I’m starting with Madman over some of the other comics I’ve been making episodes for like ElfQuest and G.I. Joe. But, I’ll be doing the same with those others as well eventually.

So keep an eye out for Just Another Fanboy Reads ElfQuest Comics as well as Just Another Fanboy reads G.I. Joe Comics in the future. And maybe even a Just Another Fanboy Reads Justice League Comics and Just Another Fanboy Reads Conan Comics.

With these new feeds comes a new way of doing things over at Just Another Fanboy. Meaning that when it comes to these series episodes, I’ve decided to focus on one at a time for however long I can before I feel it’s time to take a break and move on to the next one.

Meaning, you should be getting a number of Madman episodes hitting the feed over the next few weeks or months.

Also keep in mind that this isn’t a new podcast. These aren’t episodes I will be doing on top of my “regular” Just Another Fanboy episodes. No, these will be the “regular” Just Another Fanboy episodes for the time being.

I mean, you will still get other types of episodes on Just Another Fanboy, it’s not going to be ALL MADMAN ALL THE TIME. In fact, it’s actually going to be a few weeks before you get the next new Madman episode because I have the State of the Podcast Address Episode to record and put up, and then I already have my Saga Volume 1 Episode in the can that will follow. Plus, y’all are currently voting on the next collection I read, so yeah, you’re still going to get that stuff. It’s just that with this new way, I don’t have to stress too much about what I “need” to record because in general I’ll have Madman episodes to record.

Then, when I feel the need to shift, I’ll shift to G.I. Joe or ElfQuest. Then it’s gonna be a bunch of G.I. Joe or ElfQuest episodes for a while, with the occasional other type of episode thrown in when I feel like it.

I’m trying not to create any rules for myself here, folks. Instead I’m giving myself permission to try things a little differently as well as giving myself permission to change my mind and do something else whenever the mood strikes me.

In other words, it’s almost like in 2023 you’re going to get Just Another Fanboy With ADHD.

So, why am I telling you all of this here when I’m going to be talking about it all over again when I do my State of the Podcast Address episode?

Well, first, like I said, I want to be able to provide all y’all with stuff before anyone else every now and again.

But also, as much as I want to record my State of the Podcast Address episode and have it released by Tuesday, the fact of the matter is that I’ve been sick.


It started Monday evening, got really bad on Tuesday, and while my fever broke Tuesday night and I’ve been feeling better and better each day since, I still have a lot of crap in my lungs and I often break out in explosive coughing fits that usually fail to clear any of that crap from my lungs.

As it stands now, I’m not physically able to record a full episode. Not today.

Maybe tomorrow.

Hopefully tomorrow because if I want it to go up on Tuesday then I have to record it tomorrow. But, we’ll see.

I’m not worried about Just Another Fanboy Presents or The Superman Super Show, because I have episodes already recorded for this coming week and next week (and even the following week in the case of The Superman Super Show), so I’m good there.

But we may just not get an episode of Just Another Fanboy this week, and that’s okay.

Until then, if you haven’t had a chance to listen to my Madman episodes, now is the time to catch up. The first one is right here in this email, and episodes 1-6 are, as I said, already up on the new feed, with the others dropping daily beginning tomorrow.

So yeah. That’s all I wanted to tell you.

I have another big announcement, but I’ll save that for the State of the Podcast Address Episode. Or maybe, if I can’t get the episode recorded before Tuesday, then you’ll get another email from me later in the week with that announcement.

Here’s to what I hope to be a great 2023! (You can’t see me, but I’m raising a glass. Except I’m not. Not really. I mean, it’s a bit difficult to type while raising a glass, so you’ll just have to pretend that I’m raising a glass.)


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