Hey folks!
In an effort to try and consolidate all the podcasting and whatnot that I do under one umbrella, Steeven Says Stuff has been replaced by Steeven Orr Else Media.
In addition, I’ve turned on the paid subscription option here on the Substack, which, from here on out, will be referred to as Steeven Orr Else Beyond.
What does this mean for you?
Well, nothing changes for you, not really. Nothing, of course, except the name.
However, you now have the option of receiving episodes early and ad-free along with access to bonus episodes, an exclusive podcast just for subscribers, and even the option (eventually) to binge full seasons of episode if you subscribe to the paid version, or, Steeven Orr Else Beyond.
Full disclosure, this here Substack is not the only way to join Steeven Orr Else Beyond and get all that extra stuff. There are two other places online you can join and I urge you to read through all of your options before making any decisions because, based on what you might want in regard to benefits, the Patreon option could cost you less.
So, how about we start there.
Option 1: Patreon (Recommended)
Your main advantage with the Patreon and the reason I would recommend it over this Substack or Apple Podcasts is that Patreon offers tiered pricing levels.
Here on Substack and over at Apple Podcasts, it’s all under one monthly, or yearly, price.
On the Patreon however, you have three levels and frankly, if you aren’t at all interested in the bonus episodes (which are rarely released) or binging full seasons (which has yet to happen) then the Patreon is my recommendation.
Let’s look at the levels and what you get.
Ad-free episodes!
Access to podcast episodes 24-48 hours early!
Access to the exclusive monthly podcast! This Is Not A Test!
Updates and announcements before anyone else!
All the benefits of the previous level as well as bonus episodes.
Note: I’m not able to create bonus episodes as often as I’d like to, and in fact, I’m not sure when I’ll even be able to start on the next bonus episode, which will be for Hither Came Conan.
All the benefits of the previous levels as well as access to binge full seasons at once.
Note: I’ve yet to be able to produce a full season’s worth of episodes. However, that being said, I’ve been working on a new podcast which, when it’s ready to launch, will have the first five episodes released to Inner Circle members first (or, at least at the same time that First and Second Level members will be getting the first episode).
As you can see, with your other two subscription options (Apple Podcasts and Substack, more to come on them here real quick), the Patreon is your best option when it comes to pricing.
With that said, let’s look at the other two options and talk about why you may want to choose one of them.
Link - https://www.patreon.com/steevenrorr/membership
Option 2: Apple Podcasts
Steeven Orr Else Beyond through Apple Podcasts is $4.99/month or $49.99/year and you get all the same benefits as the Third Level Member of the Patreon.
If you listen to all your podcasts through Apple Podcasts, then your main advantage here is that this is the easiest option.
You just subscribe and BANG, you have access to all the stuff.
Link - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/steeven-orr-else-media/id6480497360
Option 3: Substack
Steeven Orr Else Beyond here on the Substack is $5/month or $50/year and like the Apple Podcasts option you get all the same benefits as the Third Level Member of the Patreon.
Honestly, your only advantage here is that, well… I guess if you just really like Substack, then this is the way to go and, really, I just wanted to make sure that everyone had the option if they wanted it.
Anyway, that’s what’s going on.